Wednesday 30 January 2019


Some easy, cheap, fresh, top-notch nutrition for you... SPROUTED SEEDS. Some of the best seeds and nuts to sprout are alfalfa, broccoli, mustard, cress or, as in the photos here: mung beans.  Their nutritional value is amazing, see the chart below, and it's in a natural, balanced form which is easier for your body to absorb than in the form of supplements. Mung beans are a great one to start with, they're good for protein, vitamin C, iron and potassium. (They're what you get in spring rolls). I'm using a Biosnacky Jar, which is from £4 to £6, but you can just make holes in the top of an ordinary jar, or use muslin etc. I usually put them in a juice with apple, celery and ginger or they're great in a salad or omelette.
NB some of the seeds, like sunflower, pumpkin and almonds, you just soak over night. It still transforms their nutrition, and taste too.
Put about half a cup of mung beans in the jar...

...soak over night...
...rinse in the jar and drain twice every morning...
... over the next few days they start to put out a root and a shoot...
...keep on rinsing and draining every morning...
... you can eat them after a few days
... or let them grow a bit.
Amazing nutrition... check out alfalfa and sunflower seeds.

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