Monday, 26 November 2018


I read today that 80% of our fresh food comes from the EU. How secure is that? It's not difficult to grow some of your own stuff, salad is really easy for example, you'll be surprised what you can get from a tiny space. It doesn't just taste better, it's fresher, so more nutritious, you'll save some money, it hasn't been bathed in chemicals, possibly reared by semi-slave labour, and you're saving plastic waste and food miles.
PLUS you get an insight into growing food and how a mini eco-system works, and you'll have taken that all important first step from which you maybe learn more than any other.
This is our tiny garden in the little courtyard behind our flat. We wanted to keep some of our special herbs going so have got comfrey, sage, mint, verbena, valarian, thyme, penny royal, yarrow and a vine growing there.

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